Aim and Scope
IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (IEEE WCCI) which will be held in the magnificent city of Vancouver, Canada. IEEE WCCI has traditionally been the largest technical event in the field of computational intelligence. Over the years the event has provided a platform for highly acclaimed intellectuals from all over the world to discuss and present their research findings on computational intelligence.As one of the important branches on computational intelligence, supervised learning techniques have been widely used in numerous real-world applications, ranging from information retrieval, multimedia content analysis, web mining, business intelligence to bioinformatics, research expedition, geological surveillance, public security, and so on. Traditional supervised learning makes several simplifying assumptions to facilitate the induction of learning systems, such as the strong supervision assumption that training examples carry sufficient and explicit supervision information, single domain assumption that training examples come from identical domain, uniform distribution assumption that training examples are class-balanced and have equal misclassification costs, etc.
Nonetheless, the above simplifying assumptions may not fully hold in practice due to various constraints imposed by physical environment, problem characteristics, and resource limitations. In recent years, researches on advanced supervised learning techniques have been rapidly growing to meet the increasing need in learning from data under non-trivial environments. The aim of this special session is to bring researchers and practitioners who work on various aspects of advanced supervised learning, to discuss on the state-of-the-art and open problems, to share their expertise and exchange the ideas, and to offer them an opportunity to identify new promising research directions.
Topics of Interest
The organizing committee will put in place a rich and varied technical program which is designed to engage participants in cross-fertilization of ideas among diverse areas in supervised learning techniques. We wish we will serve as a good channel to establish new connections and foster everlasting friendship among fellow counterparts. This special session solicits papers whose topics fall into (but not limited to) the following categories:- Learning from labeled and unlabeled data, such as semi-supervised learning, PU learning, etc.
- Learning from multi-instance data, such as multi-instance learning, multi-instance multi-label (MIML) learning, etc.
- Learning from data with multiple class labels, such as multi-label learning, partial label learning, etc.
- Learning from data from multiple domains, including transfer learning, multi-task learning
- Learning from data with structured outputs
- Applications of advanced machine learning techniques in biometric recognition
- Applications of advanced machine learning in unstructured data analysis, including text, image, video, etc.
- Applications of advance machine learning in cross-disciplinary fields, such as business intelligence, bioinformatics, space physics, astronomy, etc.
- Applications of machine learning in big data, such as research expedition data, astronomy data, remote sensing data, etc.
Important Dates
- Paper Submission: January 15, 2016
- Notification of acceptance of papers: March 15th, 2016
- Final Paper & Copyright: April 15, 2016
- Registration : April 15, 2016
- Conference Dates: July 25-29, 2016, Vancouver, CANADA
Submission Guidelines
Please kindly refer to the following paper submission guidelines before submitting your papers:- All special session papers must be submitted through the IEEE WCCI 2016 online submission system and please select respective special session title under the list of research topics in the submission system. Our special session is Advanced Supervised Learning Techniques and Its Application. Such decision will be made by the Special Session Organizers in consultation with the Special Session Chair.
- To help ensure correct formatting, please use the style files for U.S. Letter ( as template for your submission. These include LaTeX and Word.
- Only papers prepared in PDF format will be accepted.
- Paper Length: Up to 8 pages, including figures, tables and references. At maximum, two additional pages are permitted with overlength page charge of US$125/page, to be paid during author registration.
- Paper Formatting: double column, single spaced, #10 point Times Roman font.
- Margins: Left, Right, and Bottom: 0.75" (19mm). The top margin must be 0.75" (19 mm), except for the title page where it must be 1" (25 mm).
- No page numbers please. We will insert the page numbers for you.
Note: Violations of any of the above paper specifications may result in rejection of your paper. Please note that the Latex template does not allow for keywords. If you are using the Latex template, do not include keywords in your paper.
If you encounter any problems with the submission of your papers, please contact the IEEE WCCI 2016 Paper Submission Chair Dr. Ke Tang
Special Session Co-Chairs
Min-Ling Zhang, (Southeast University), Zhuang, (ICT, CAS),
Bing Han (Xidian University),